Volvo XC90 2015-2025 Owners Manual / Driver support / City Safety in crossing traffic

Volvo XC90: Driver support / City Safety in crossing traffic

City Safety1 can assist the driver when turning into the path of an oncoming vehicle in an intersection.

Volvo XC90. City Safety in crossing traffic

Volvo XC90. City Safety in crossing traffic Sector in which City Safety can detect an oncoming vehicle in crossing traffic.

In order for City Safety to detect an oncoming vehicle in situations where there is a risk of a collision, that vehicle must be within the sector in which City Safety can analyze the situation.

The following criteria must also be met:

  • your vehicle's speed must be at least 4 km/h (3 mph)
  • your vehicle must be making a left turn
  • the oncoming vehicle's headlights must be on

1 This function is not available on all markets.

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